I am Rod Swan. Smart Hostor has been set up as a result of my research into our local market here in Mackay, North Queensland, Australia. I was looking for answers for my own business presence on the the Internet and through my questions, I have found people who are experts with their indivual strengths, website design, graphic design, marketing, sales, product creation, article writing, SEO, photography, printing and the list goes on. Now I had found the answers, I believe I can help your business to create a website and increase your customer numbers to your business through your own internet presence.
It will probably surprise you the number of potential customers who are now using search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and others. Only five years ago, most people would reach for the yellow pages to look for a product or service, now they reach for the keyboard or a mobile device. They are searching for services or products which you have. A website is like an extra salesman who keeps working 24/7, even when you are sleeping.
Your current customers will search for your business using your business name (eg. ” Andrew’s Muffler Shop” ) and in that case, if you have a website, your business will show up in the results. If you don’t have a website, your business might show up in one of the many business directories, but so will your competition. So the first idea is to have a website, but that is only part of the story.
The next part is to create content on your website using words and phrases that those potential customer might use to find what they are looking for. Your potential customer will be searching for a particular topic (eg. Mackay muffler repairs). In this case your business may not show up or be on the third or forth page(if you are lucky). Do many people look past the first page of search results. There is so much work that has to be done to a website to help Google rank your website for the right keywords on the front search page. This is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
As I build on this site I will be explaining these methods and using this site as an example, so stay tuned or subscribe using the button at the top of this page. But if you want to get started right away, contact me and we can talk about a package that will suite your needs.